Latest construction tenders from Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited
CAMC of 13 nos. X-BIS (Smith Make) at Airport Line (APL) and 07 nos. X-BIS (Smith Make) at Rapid Metro Gurgaon Limited (RMGL) for 02 years.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 5307000
Annual Maintenance contract for 3 years of preventive maintenance with spares and breakdown maintenance of MTU make engines of BEML make CMVs of Ph-3.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 14792000
Comprehensive annual maintenance contract of Air Brake System of 09 nos. BEML - Make CMVs of Phase-2 and Phase-3 of Traction Wing of different line of DMRC for 05 years.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 25080000
Maintenance contract for inspection and rectification / replacement of bearing and grout of Line-7 from MKPR to SVVR in Metro Network.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 57907000
Consultancy for scheduling/availing of power through Open Access.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 7820000
Open e tender for licensing of spaces on Pillars of Airport Express Line for placement and operation of telecom equipments for providing mobile Cellular coverage upto 5G
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Tender Amount
Architectural Finishing Works Including DFSE and Roof sheeting of Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) Structures and DC of External facade, WS, SI, Drainage, Site development works at Four (04) Elevated stations of Line-10 of Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Project.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 882200000
Miscellaneous Civil Works from Deepali Chowk Station to Derawal Nagar of Line-8 Extension of Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Project.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 19500000
Miscellaneous Civil Works from Krishna Park Station to Deepali Chowk Station of Line-8 Extension of Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Project.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 19100000
Property Development above metro stabling deck at Mundka Depot.
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Tender Amount
Radio coverage improvement at various locations of DMRC by using Bi-Directional Antenna (BDAs).
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 29444000
Maintenance Contract of existing Borewells and Rain water harvesting system and Construction of new Rain harvesting system and installation of new Borewells at Line-2 of DMRC
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 9045000
Comprehensive maintenance of 70 Nos. of Way-side Lubricators installed on track in Line-1 to Line-6 of DMRC Network.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 50333000
Rehabilitation of DG, Sewage/Seepage panels and related miscellaneous work at various metro station of DMRC.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 5024000
Construction of Fire Tower at Haiderpur Badli Mor Metro Station for Line-8 Extension of Delhi MRTS Phase-IV Project
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 46800000
Replacement of Air Cooled Chillers with Air Cooled Chillers installed at Konnectus Towers, New Delhi.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 37294000
Property Development on 21257 sqm (FAR) land plot adjacent to Azadpur Metro Station of Line-2.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
Consultancy work of Feasibility study for DMRCs Energy Cost Reduction.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 7080000
AMC of Leakage seepage prevention, diversion and rectification work for tunnels and stations of Line 2N section (CTST to SPBI including Khyber pass and Badli depot) (3 years).
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 14698000
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 6791295