Latest construction tenders from Department of Posts
Urgent repairs to the damaged compound wall near entrance of at Girgaon MDG under SSPOs South Division ,Mumbai
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 309659
Providing of Solar Street light and Renovation of internal electrical installation in Library at PTC Campus Saharanpur.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 927279
Provision of Aluminium doors and partition for Installation of Automatic Access Control System at Foreign Post Office, VD Bhavan Mumbai.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1493922
Wiring providing EI and fans MCB distribution system Main panel earthing etc at RTC Nasik Navi Mumbai Region
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 3529795
Provision of sand stone signage board at Delhi GPO.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 153500
Supplying installation testing commissioning of 82 5 kVA DG set for Region Office Navi Mumbai Region Panvel 2nd Call
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1402485
SITC of 7.5 HP open well submersible pumpset at old pump
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 144315
Supplying Installation of fire Extinguishers at Venba Arangam of RO,
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 76348
SITC of fire Alarm system at RTC Nasik Navi Mumbai Region
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1402949
Day to day electrical maintenance on urgent basis at various pos and postal colony under PESD IV sub division Delhi
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 303104
Renovation of E.I. or Fans, energy efficient luminaires, computer points and LAN Networking in the chamber of SSPOs Delhi East Division, Delhi
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 427488
Renovation of electrical works in Hostel dinning room, Kitchen and replacement of LED fittings in SS roy hall at RAK National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 199979
Providing Passenger lift for 13 passenge 884 Kgs at City Head Post Office Itwari under Nagpur Region Nagpur 3rd Call
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 3175099
Repairing of old Sachin PO Building 3rd call.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1770814
SITC of STANDEE (under Project Arrow Scheme) in 16 Nos Head Offices under South Bengal Postal Region.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1471134
AMC/GPO/LIFTS/PESD/2024-25(2nd call)
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 358704
Comprehensive maintenance of Schindler make 1no 16 Passenger cum goods lift and 1no 8 passenger lift at Meghdoot Bhawan, New Delhi.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 302610
Misc. Civil works in the Chamber of SSPOs, Delhi East Dn. at KNHO building Delhi.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 730298
SITC of 2 TR and 1 TR split ac UNITS AT 5 th FLOOR DAKSADAN o/o PMG Hyderabad Region,Hyderabad
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 412858
Misc. civil works and Internal Finishing in Qtr. no. C-129, Vevik Vihar, Delhi.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 185578