Latest construction tenders from EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED (ECL)
Construction of Ramp Near New Sub Station of Chora 7&9 for Material Transportation under Kenda Area Ecl.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 192060.46
Construction of Ramp Near 9 Pit for Material Transportation under Kenda Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 104319.74
Construction of Approach Road Using Paver Blocks for C-Type Quarters at Bansra Hospital Colony under Kunustoria Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 944006.73
Corrigendum: Construction of Community Centre Near Runakura Ghat Near Gourangdi (A) Colliery under Salanpur Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 4089022
Construction of Boundary Wall Along with Gate of Masjid of Jb-04 at Hijukita Rehab Site, under Rajmahal Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1715225.08
Construction of Garland Drain Parallel to State Pwd Road from Rcc Culvert to Opposite Side of Ob Dump Via Transportation Road at s P Mines Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1265825
Construction of Garland Drain Parallel to State Pwd Road from Rcc Culvert to Opposite Side of Ob Dump Via Transportation Road at s P Mines Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1265824.74
Construction of Conference Cum Discussion Hall Along Withconstruction of Office for Vt Officer, Library, Laboratory, One Smart Classroom, One Yogaroom, One Canteen Etc with Pcc Approach Road at Benali...
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 17336528.58
Construction of Washing Platform, Room and Drain at Bocp under Mugma Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1964865
Construction of 13Nos. of Sectionalization Stoppings at Proposed Panel B.S.P-10 in Bogra (R-Vi) Seam of Jk Nagar Colliery
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 3312878
Construction of Approach Road and Drain for Pump House Near Prabhat Stadium under Mugma Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 945651
Construction of Stair/Steps Along Travelling Roadway Incline no 2 at Satgram Incline
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 358495
Construction of Approach Road and Drain for Pump House Near Prabhat Stadium under Mugma Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 945651.17
Construction of Washing Platform, Room and Drain at Bocp under Mugma Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1964864.77
Construction of Small Water Vat/Tank at Different Places under Kumardhubi Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 191144.85
Construction of Stair/Steps Along Travelling Roadway Incline no 2 at Satgram Incline.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 358495.13
Construction of 13Nos. of Sectionalization Stoppings at Proposed Panel B.S.P-10 in Bogra (R-Vi) Seam of Jk Nagar Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 3312877.81
Construction of Guard Wall to Prevent of Light Vehicle Road under Rocp. (2Nd Phase).
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1913328.64
Construction of 1 (One) No. Isolation Stopping in Caving Panel 3 (Location 1Lin Bet 28 and 29R), Rvii Seam of No. 2 Incline of Bankola Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 196394.00
Construction 12 Nos. of Temporary Ventilation Stoppings by Old and Used Sealant Drum Sheets at 3 and 4 Pit Unit under Shankarpur Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 255807.00