Latest construction tenders from EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED (ECL)
Construction of Platform of Kutcha Portion at Area Store under Mugma Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1938349.23
Construction of 13(Thirteen) Nos. Ventilation Stoppings Along 0(B) X-Cut from 14 Dip to 28 Dip in Borachak (R-Viii) Seam of Chinakuri Mine-Iii
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 748011.15
Construction of 27(Twenty Seven) Nos. of Ventilation Stoppings at R-Viii(Borachak) Seam of Patmohana Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1705282.90
Proposal for Construction of 4 Nos. of Isolation Stopping at 9L/ 17-18Dip, 10L/17-18Dip,11L/17-18Dip and 12L/17-18Dip of Depillared Panel D-14Inr-Iv Seam of No.6 Pit at Manderboni Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 849700.94
Construction of Floor Steps at Travelling Roadway in Borachak R-Viii Seam at Dhemomain Incline Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 388190.72
Proposal for Construction and Repairing of Ventilation Stoppiing Inr-Iv Seam of No. 6Pit at Manderboni Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 282598.75
Construction of 10(Ten) Nos. Sectionalisation Stopping in Sripur (R-Vi) Seam of Methani Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 2857630.12
Proposal for Construction of 08 (Eight) Nos. of Ventilation Stopping in R-Iv Seam of Pit no 2 of Pandaveswar Colliery, Pandaveswar Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 489943
Construction of 02 (Two) Nos. Isolation Stopping at 48L/34D-35D and 35D/47L-48L in R-Vi Seam of Khottadih Colliery, Pandaveswar Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1450130
Construction of One (01) No. Drive Head Foundation at 19D in between 34L and 35L for B20A Panel in R-Vi Seam of Khottadih Colliery, Pandaveswar Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 262725
Construction of Rcc Guard Wall at Tippler End Portion Towards Coal Depot of Bansra Colliery under Kunustoria Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 865157
Refurbishing of the Officers Club Building Along with the Construction of the Additional Vip Toilet Block Near the Main Hall for the Tagore Memorial Hall Building (Officer Club) under Kunustoria Area....
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 902427
Construction of Side Wall in Rvii Seam of No. 2 Incline of Bankola Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 310319.00
Construction of 8 Nos. Fly Ash Brick Ventilation Stopping in Rvii Seam at Shyamsundarpur Colliery for Ventilation Reorganisation.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1208860.00
Construction of Side Wall in Rvii Seam of No. 2 Incline of Bankola Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 310319
Construction of 8 Nos Fly Ash Brick Ventilation Stopping in Rvii Seam at Shyamsundarpur Colliery for Ventilation Reorganisation
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1208860
Construction of Brick Stopping for Panel Formation in R-Viii Seam Working of Porascole East Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1945846.86
Construction of 04 (Four) Nos. of Ventilation Stoppings in Km Seam and Roof Support at Km Seam (E.S Inc.) Mouth of Lakhimata Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 281411
1) Construction of 3 Nos Ventilation Stopping with 2 Nos. Repairing and 2) Fencing of No. 2 Pit Bottom under Kumardhubi Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 347731
Construction of Retaining Wall of Mobile Crusher Ramp at Bahula Siding under Kenda Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1924823.00