Latest construction tenders from EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED (ECL)
Construction of 04(Four) Nos. of Ventilation Stoppings in Km Seam and Roof Support at Km Seam (E.S Inc.) Mouth of Lakhimata Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 281411.56
1)Construction of 3 Nos Ventilation Stopping with 2 Nos. Repairing and 2) Fencing of No. 2 Pit Bottom under Kumardhubi Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 347731.88
Construction of Rcc Side Wall, Rcc Pillar, Roof Bolting and Girder Support at the Junction (2Wd/17Sl) in B-6 Dev Dist at Amritnagar Colliery under Kunustoria Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 2356588
Construction of 14 (Fourteen) Nos. of Stopping in Rviiib Seam Around Panel no Jb-6 at N.K.J. Unit of Khandra Colliery (Retender)
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 2156858
Construction of both Side Guard Wall Along 3L 12D of Rviiib1 Seam at Shyamsundarpur Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 329503
Construction of Rcc Drain of Light Vehicle Road Near Junction of Haul Road Light Vehicle Road, under Rajmahal Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1616726.49
Construction of Five(05) Nos. Brick-Pillars for Underground Roof Support in Travelling Roadway in South-Side Development District in Lower Kajora (R-Viii. Top) Seam of Central Kajora Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 158578.96
Construction of Eleven (11) Nos. Ventilation Stoppings 5Ed to 5Wd/32L to 33L and Eleven (11) Nos. Iron Sheet Ventilation Stoppings Also Inr-Iv Seam Ofkhottadih Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1584261.47
Construction of Rcc Drain of Light Vehicle Road Near Junction of Haul Road Light Vehicle Road, under Rajmahal Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1616726
Construction of Rcc Side Wall, Rcc Pillar, Roof Bolting and Girder Support at the Junction (2Wd/17Sl) in B-6 Dev Dist at Amritnagar Colliery under Kunustoria Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 2356587.55
Construction of 06Six Nos of Rcc Sectionalisation Stoppings for Cm Sub Panel 1C and 1D in Rviia Seam at Shyamsundarpur Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1214164.00
Construction of Rcc Ram at Surface below Tripler of no 8 Pit of Bankola Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 117368.00
Cleaning of Underground Drains at the Joining Points Ofrviiit2rviiib1 and Rvii Seam with Main Incline and Construction of Two Nosof Guard Wall at Shyamsundarpur Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 237451.00
Construction of Eight (08) Nos. Ventilation Stopping in between 8 Dip and 9 Dip from 34L to 41L in R-Iv Seam of Khottadih Colliery, Pandaveswar Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1217743
Construction of Thirty Seven (37) Nos. Ventilation Stopping from 6 Dip to 42 Dip in between 35L to 36L in R-Vi Seam of Khottadih Colliery, Pandaveswar Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 3927945
Construction of Drain from 3Wd/22L to 2Wd/31L (Along Haulage Track Line) in R-Vi Seam of Khottadih Colliery, Pandaveswar Area
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 979677
Construction of 04(Four)Nos Haulage Foundation at 3El , 12 South Dip ,41El & 49 Wl for Development in R - Ix a Seam of Kalidaspur Project under Satgram Sripur Area.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 53931.10
Cleaning of Underground Drains at the Joining Points of R Viiit2 R Viiib1 and R Vii Seam with Main Incline and Construction of Two Nos of Guard Wall at Shyamsundarpur Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 237451
Construction of Rcc Ram at Surface below Tripler of no 8 Pit of Bankola Colliery
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 117368
Construction of 06 Six Nos of Rcc Sectionalisation Stoppings for Cm Sub Panel 1C and 1D in R Viia Seam at Shyamsundarpur Colliery.
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1214164