Latest construction tenders from Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited
NIT for Upgradation of Point of Sale Machines at various locations across the state of Rajasthan
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Tender Amount
₹ 83500000
NIT for Survey, Storage, Packaging, Transportation and Supply of BoS Except SPV Modules, Installation and Commissioning and 5 years CMC of Grid Connected rooftop SPV Power Plants at various govt. buildings in J and K
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 37600000
NIT for Installation-Commissioning and 5 years Maintenance of SPV High Mast Lighting Systems at Various Strategic Locations in Delhi
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 3100000
NIT for Installation- Commissioning and 2 years Maintenance of SPV LED Street Lighting Systems at Various Strategic Rural Locations in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 500000
NIT for Rate Contract for Installation Commissioning and 5 years comprehensive maintenance of Hybrid/Off Grid SPV Power Plant(s) of various capacity at various govt. departments in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1300000
NIT for Rate Contract for Installation Commissioning and 5/10 years comprehensive maintenance of Grid Connected SPV Power Plant(s) of various capacity at various govt. departments in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 2000000
NIT for Renewal of Insurance Policies for the year 2025-2026
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Tender Amount
NIT for rate contract for Installation Commissioning and 5 years comprehensive maintenance of Hybrid/Off Grid SPV Power Plant(s)/SPV Systems of various capacity at various govt. departments in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 2000000
Notice Inviting Tender for Supply IandC of On Campus Cloud Storage Facility and HCI Server
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 41000000
Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Eligible Entities to undertake cocertification/co branding of Mono PERC/TOPCON SPV modules of greater than equal to 540Wp at BIS and enlistment of models of solar PV module manufacturers under ALMM
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Tender Amount
NIT for Rate Contract for Survey Design SupplyexceptSPV Module ErectionTestingCommissioning and Comprehensive Operationand Maintenance for 5YGridConnected RooftopSola Photovoltaic PowerProjects onvarious Govt buildings in Western Region WR in India
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 25000000
NIT for Design Supply except SPV Modules Installation Testing Commissioning and Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance for 5 years of 50 kWp Grid Connected Ground Mounted super structure type Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Delhi
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1400000
NIT for Rate Contract for Installation Commissioning and 5/10 years comprehensive maintenance of Grid Connected SPV Power Plant(s) of various capacity at various govt departments in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 2500000
NIT for Survey Supply of BoS (Except SPV Modules) Installation-Commissioning and 10 years CMC of Grid connected SPV Power Plants at various locations in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 224200000
Empanelment of Business Associates to Undertake Survey Identification of Beneficiary Supply Except SPV Modules and inverters Installation- Commissioning and CMC of Grid connected SPV Power Plant in Residential Sector in Rajasthan
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Tender Amount
NIT forSupply of BOS except SPV Modules and Module Mounting Structures Installation Commissioning and Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance for 5Year of 15 kWp Off-Grid Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Babina Jhansi Uttar-Pradesh State
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 1100000
NIT for Design Supply except SPV Modules Installation Testing Commissioning and Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance for 5 years of 1 MWp Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Hyderabad- Telangana State
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 24500000
NIT for Survey Supply of BoS Except SPV Modules Installation and Commissioning and CMC of rooftop off Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at various locations in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 93700000
NIT for Installation Commissioning and 5 years Maintenance of SPV LED Street Lighting Systems at Various Strategic Locations in Delhi
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 4500000
NIT for Survey Supply of BoS Except SPV Modules Installation Commissioning and 7 years CMC of Grid connected SPV Power Plants at various locations in Rajasthan
Closing Soon
Tender Amount
₹ 224000000