PEY JAL NIGAM, GOVT OF UTTARAKHAND tender - Construction of Stp Sps and Sewer Line of Nagar Palika Parishad Narendranagar Including all Civil and E and M Works and their Appurtenant Works

Muni Ki Reti tender, Uttarakhand tender

PEY JAL NIGAM, GOVT OF UTTARAKHAND has floated a e tender for Construction of Stp Sps and Sewer Line of Nagar Palika Parishad Narendranagar Including all Civil and E and M Works and their Appurtenant Works. The project location is Muni Ki Reti, Uttarakhand, India. The reference number is 58/508/01 Dated 20.01.2024 and it is closing on 15-Feb-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount


Tender Description

2024_Mdpey_68824_1 Composite Works

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 96180272
Tender No 58/508/01 Dated 20.01.2024
Purchaser Address Address: Executive Engineer Construction Division Uttarakhand Pey Jal Nigam Muni Ki Reti
City: Muni Ki Reti
District: Tehri Garhwal
State: Uttarakhand
Pin: 249175
Tel/Fax: 91-120-4200462
Tender Website
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders