CHENNAI PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD (CPCL) tender - Construction of East Asphalt Reclamation Pit and Culvert/ Dyke Wall/ Pedestal for Ms Receipt and Cbpl Suction to Iocl Leased Tank (Tk-621) at Cpcl Manali

Chennai tender, Tamil Nadu tender

CHENNAI PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD (CPCL) has floated a e tender for Construction of East Asphalt Reclamation Pit and Culvert/ Dyke Wall/ Pedestal for Ms Receipt and Cbpl Suction to Iocl Leased Tank (Tk-621) at Cpcl Manali. The project location is Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The reference number is CPCLV24183 and it is closing on 17-May-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount

Tender Description

Construction of East Asphalt Reclamation Pit and Culvert/ Dyke wall/ Pedestal for MS receipt and CBPL suction to IOCL leased Tank (TK-621) at CPCL Manali Civil - All

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 100763687
Tender No CPCLV24183
Purchaser Address Address: 044 - 2594 4506, Location : CPCL- Manali, Chennai., Pincode : 600068 , Attn : D.Padmanabhan - Sr. Manager (Contracts Cell)
City: Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu
Pin: 600068
Tel/Fax: +91-44-25944507,25944000,25941247,25940575
Tender Website
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders