UTTAR PRADESH JAL NIGAM (UPJN) tender - Construction of Remaining Works of Academic Building, Remaining Works of Girls Hostel Including some Development Works such as Tubewell, Oht, Bw with Ms Gate, Etc in it Engineering College Mirzapur

Sonbhadra tender, Uttar Pradesh tender

UTTAR PRADESH JAL NIGAM (UPJN) has floated a e tender for Construction of Remaining Works of Academic Building, Remaining Works of Girls Hostel Including some Development Works such as Tubewell, Oht, Bw with Ms Gate, Etc in it Engineering College Mirzapur. The project location is Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India. The reference number is 1410/W-1/104 Dated 09.07.2024 and it is closing on 9-Aug-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount

Tender Description

As per NIT and Tender Document Civil Works

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 103928679
Tender No 1410/W-1/104 Dated 09.07.2024
Purchaser Address Address: Office of the Project Manager, Unit-38, C and DS, UP Jal Nigam(U), Sonbhadra
City: Sonbhadra
District: Sonbhadra
State: Uttar Pradesh
Pin: 231219
Tel/Fax: 91-120-4200462, 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005
Tender Website www.etender.up.nic.in
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders