UTTARAKHAND POWER CORPORATION LIMITED (UPCL) has floated a e tender for Construction of Underground 11 Kv Feeder from 33/11 Kv Sub-Station, Balawala for Providing 2500 Kva Load to M/S Health Department under Edsd, Balawala under Edd, Raipur. The project location is Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. The reference number is 05/EDCRDDUN/2024-25 and it is closing on 30-Jul-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Construction of Underground 11 KV feeder from 33/11 KV Sub-Station, Balawala for providing 2500 KVA load to M/S Health Department under EDSD, Balawala under EDD, Raipur Electrical Works