HARYANA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED (HVPNL) has floated a e tender for Creation of 33Kv Bay for Fe.... The project location is Hisar, Haryana, India. The reference number is 2024BC15B9EF 2770 42BA BD99 2C8082EBE970971HVP and it is closing on 8-Aug-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Creation of 33kV bay for feeding 33kV Sub Station Barod from 220kV substation Safidon.Construction of 3 Nos. LA, 3 Nos. CT, 2 Nos. Isolator, 1 No. VCB foundations, 10mtr D type trench and site surfacing in the specific bay. Civil Works