POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION OF UTTARAKHAND LIMITED (PTCUL) has floated a e tender for Construction of New Boundary Wall Around Substation Campus and Repair of Trench Covers and Approach Road for 132Kv Switchyard at 132Kv S/S, Bazpur under Oandm Division, Ptcul, Kashipur. The project location is Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. The reference number is CE(OandM)/PTCUL/HLD/26/2024-25 and it is closing on 11-Sep-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Construction of new boundary wall around substation campus and repair of trench covers and approach road for 132KV switchyard at 132KV S/s, Bazpur under OandM Division, PTCUL, Kashipur Civil Works