UTTAR PRADESH JAL NIGAM (UPJN) tender - Kabir Dharm Mandir Sewa Samiti Campus, Near Chudamani Chauraha, Ayodhya

Lucknow tender, Uttar Pradesh tender

UTTAR PRADESH JAL NIGAM (UPJN) has floated a e tender for Kabir Dharm Mandir Sewa Samiti Campus, Near Chudamani Chauraha, Ayodhya. The project location is Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The reference number is 2269/M-10/35 and it is closing on 24-Sep-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount

Tender Description

Supply of all materials labour T P laying jointing of distribution system 0.50 Km. 100 mm to 200mm of different types and size DI pipe construction of O.H.T. 1 Nos construction of pump house 01 Nos and other related work including cost of Civil Works - Water Works

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 107229164
Tender No 2269/M-10/35
Purchaser Address Address: 6, Rana Pratap Marg
City: Lucknow
District: Lucknow
State: Uttar Pradesh
Pin: 226001
Tel/Fax: (0522) 2620172, 2620272 / 91 (0522) 2620173
Tender Website www.upjn.org
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders