LOCAL BODIES DIRECTORATE, GOVT. OF UTTAR PRADESH has floated a e tender for Work of Preparing an Article/Sculpture of Lord Shiva in a Playing Posture of Damru from Old Unusable Material Lying in Nagar Nigam, Agra and Installing it at Rajeshwar Temple.. The project location is CHATTA, Uttar Pradesh, India. The reference number is 20-09-2024/NAGAR NIGAM AGRA/30-09-2024/131 and it is closing on 3-Oct-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Work of preparing an article/sculpture of Lord Shiva in a playing posture of Damru from old unusable material lying in Nagar Nigam, Agra and installing it at Rajeshwar Temple. Construction Works