RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ DEPARTMENT, GOVT OF TAMIL NADU has floated a e tender for Madurai District Construction of P.U.E.School Building ( Rcc Roof) Periyasemmetupatti Village in Seemanuthu Panchayat Usilampatti Block. The project location is Usilampatti, Tamil Nadu, India. The reference number is 03/ USP / SIDS (BP) - ( 2024-2025) and it is closing on 3-Oct-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Madurai District Construction of P.U.E.School Building ( RCC Roof) Periyasemmetupatti Village in Seemanuthu Panchayat Usilampatti Block Title: 03/ Usp / Sids (Bp) - ( 2024-2025) Civil Works - Buildings