Kerala Water Authority has floated a e tender for Others-Hiring of 1 Number of Vehicle having cubic capacity 1000 to 1500 CC-on Contract Basis Dry Lease (without driver) for the use of P. H. Section, Guruvayoor for six months or for 9500 KM (whichever comes first)-General Civil Work. The project location is Guruvayur, Kerala, India. The reference number is 12-ET/AEE/PHS/GVR/2024-25 and it is closing on 16-Nov-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
Posting Date
Closing Date
Tender Amount
Others-Hiring of 1 Number of Vehicle having cubic capacity 1000 to 1500 CC-on Contract Basis Dry Lease (without driver) for the use of P. H. Section, Guruvayoor for six months or for 9500 KM (whichever comes first)-General Civil Work