HAUDD has floated a e tender for Operation and Maintenance including Providing of chemicals of Fab Based STPs. The project location is Hazartbal, Laam , Habbak, Jammu and Kashmir, India. The reference number is MD/LCMA/TS- NIT /28/2292-2300, date 19.11.2024 and it is closing on 9-Dec-2024. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Closing Date
Tender Amount
Operation and Maintenance including Providing of chemicals of three numbers (03) FAB based Sewerage Treatment Plants of JKLCMA 1. 7.5 MLD STP at Hazratbal 2. 4.5 MLD STP at Laam 3. 3.2 MLD STP at Habbak of JKLCMA