Jaipur Development Authority has floated a e tender for Maintenance of Earthen Channel to make smooth flow of Treated Sewage water from Gajadharpura STP Outlet start Point to End Point of Earthen Channel at various damaged locations for 1 year under JDA, Jaipur. The project location is Gajadharpura STP Outlet start Point to End Point, Rajasthan, India. The reference number is JDA_EE PHE-II_10_2024-25 and it is closing on 1-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Maintenance of Earthen Channel to make smooth flow of Treated Sewage water from Gajadharpura STP Outlet start Point to End Point of Earthen Channel at various damaged locations for 1 year under JDA, Jaipur