U P Jal Nigam (HQ), Lucknow tender - Nagar Panchayat Suchittaganj (Khirauni) Water Supply and House Connection Scheme District-Ayodhya

Nagar Panchayat Suchittaganj (Khirauni) tender, Uttar Pradesh tender

U P Jal Nigam (HQ), Lucknow has floated a e tender for Nagar Panchayat Suchittaganj (Khirauni) Water Supply and House Connection Scheme District-Ayodhya. The project location is Nagar Panchayat Suchittaganj (Khirauni), Uttar Pradesh, India. The reference number is 3078/W-82/05 and it is closing on 23-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount


Tender Description

Construction/Repairing of Over Head Tank, Pump house, Boundary wall, staff quarter, gate, Site development, Laying and Jointing of rising main, distribution system, Construction of New/Rebore tube wells including PLC SCADA automation of all tube we

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 2024_UPJNM_986558_1
Tender No 3078/W-82/05
Tender Authority U P Jal Nigam (HQ), Lucknow
Purchaser Address Location: Nagar Panchayat Suchittaganj (Khirauni)
State: Uttar Pradesh
PIN: 224188
Tender Website etender.up.nic.in
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders