Kerala Water Authority has floated a e tender for AMRUT Amrut 2 Digital Surveying in Pathanamthitta Municipality including high level zones of proposed OHSRs Paruvaplackal Poovanpara amp Vanchippoyka Pumping mains and distribution lines General Civil Work. The project location is Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India. The reference number is 11/2024- 25/EE/ PH/PTA and it is closing on 7-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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AMRUT Amrut 2.0 Digital Surveying in Pathanamthitta Municipality including high level zones of proposed OHSRs Paruvaplackal Poovanpara amp Vanchippoyka Pumping mains and distribution lines General Civil Work