THDC India Limited has floated a e tender for Implementation of 100.1 MWac / 135.2 MWp Ground Mounted Solar PV Plants and Subsequent O and M for 03 Years in the Premises of KPCL Thermal Plants (BTPS, RTPS and YTPS) on EPC Mode. The project location is Raichur/Yeramarus/Bellary village in Karnataka, Karnataka, India. The reference number is THDCIL/NCR/CC-513 and it is closing on 30-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Implementation of 100.1 MWac / 135.2 MWp Ground Mounted Solar PV Plants and Subsequent O and M for 03 Years in the Premises of KPCL Thermal Plants (BTPS, RTPS and YTPS) on EPC Mode