Pune Municipal Corporation tender - Pune mahanagarpalika antargat honarya lohgaon- wagholi road santnagar yethil P.M.P.M.L E-bussthanak yethil electric charging stationla paryayi vij puravtha karne.

Shivaji Nagar tender, Maharashtra tender

Pune Municipal Corporation has floated a e tender for Pune mahanagarpalika antargat honarya lohgaon- wagholi road santnagar yethil P.M.P.M.L E-bussthanak yethil electric charging stationla paryayi vij puravtha karne.. The project location is Shivaji Nagar, Maharashtra, India. The reference number is PMC/ELECTRICAL/2024/224 and it is closing on 10-Feb-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount


Tender Description

Pune mahanagarpalika antargat honarya lohgaon- wagholi road santnagar yethil P.M.P.M.L E-bussthanak yethil electric charging stationla paryayi vij puravtha karne.

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 2025_PMCP_1137842_1
Tender No PMC/ELECTRICAL/2024/224
Tender Authority Pune Municipal Corporation
Purchaser Address Location: Shivaji Nagar
State: Maharashtra
PIN: 411005
Tender Website mahatenders.gov.in
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders