HP Irrigation and Public Health tender - A/R and M/O LWSS Hawai Shaih 1st ,2nd stage and LWSS Phatti Diyar 1st stage in tehsil Bhunter Distt Kullu H.P.

Bhunter tender, Himachal Pradesh tender

HP Irrigation and Public Health has floated a e tender for A/R and M/O LWSS Hawai Shaih 1st ,2nd stage and LWSS Phatti Diyar 1st stage in tehsil Bhunter Distt Kullu H.P.. The project location is Bhunter, Himachal Pradesh, India. The reference number is O/M Hawai shiah NIT NO-12496-12595 dt. 01/01/2025 and it is closing on 27-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount


Tender Description

A/R and M/O LWSS Hawai Shaih 1st ,2nd stage and LWSS Phatti Diyar 1st stage in tehsil Bhunter Distt Kullu H.P. (SH- Operation and maintenance of LWSS schemes for 12 Months)

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 2025_HPIPH_97311_2
Tender No O/M Hawai shiah NIT NO-12496-12595 dt. 01/01/2025
Purchaser Address Location: Bhunter
State: Himachal Pradesh
PIN: 175125
Tender Website hptenders.gov.in
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders