Rural Development and Panchayati Raj tender - Lying of tile work and other works at BDC/BDO office compound

Dinga amb tender, Jammu and Kashmir tender

Rural Development and Panchayati Raj has floated a e tender for Lying of tile work and other works at BDC/BDO office compound. The project location is Dinga amb, Jammu and Kashmir, India. The reference number is e-NIT No.158/REW/K of 2024-25 Dated 18/01/2025 and it is closing on 24-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount


Tender Description

Lying of tile work and other works at BDC/BDO office compound

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 2025_RDPR_270593_3
Tender No e-NIT No.158/REW/K of 2024-25 Dated 18/01/2025
Purchaser Address Location: Dinga amb
State: Jammu and Kashmir
PIN: 184144
Tender Website
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders