Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited tender - Estimate for Installation of 1X100 KVA DTR for 50 KW NDLF Conn. for Marriage Garden Purpose at Maholi Village Ayodhya Bypass for Tulsa Verma Under Chandbadh Zone of City Dn. East Bhopal

Maholi VIllage Ayodhya Bypass Bhopal tender, Madhya Pradesh tender

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited has floated a e tender for Estimate for Installation of 1X100 KVA DTR for 50 KW NDLF Conn. for Marriage Garden Purpose at Maholi Village Ayodhya Bypass for Tulsa Verma Under Chandbadh Zone of City Dn. East Bhopal. The project location is Maholi VIllage Ayodhya Bypass Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. The reference number is DGM/STC/TENDER/24-25/3822/04 Dt. 17-01-25 and it is closing on 27-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.

Posting Date


Closing Date


Tender Cost

Tender Amount


Tender Description

Estimate for Installation of 1X100 KVA DTR for 50 KW NDLF Conn. for Marriage Garden Purpose at Maholi Village Ayodhya Bypass for Tulsa Verma Under Chandbadh Zone of City Dn. East Bhopal

Tender Contacts
Tender Id 2025_MKVVC_396800_1
Tender No DGM/STC/TENDER/24-25/3822/04 Dt. 17-01-25
Purchaser Address Location: Maholi VIllage Ayodhya Bypass Bhopal
State: Madhya Pradesh
PIN: 462041
Tender Website
Tender Documents
Tender Document File
Notice Type: Tenders