Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited has floated a e tender for DGM/STC/GNA/ PUR/2024-25/51/3518 GUNA dt 20.01.2025. The project location is The DGM STC MPMKVVCL GUNA, Madhya Pradesh, India. The reference number is DGM/STC/GNA/ PUR/2024-25/51/3518 GUNA dt 20.01.2025 and it is closing on 27-Jan-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Tender Amount
Fabrication Work Estimate for electrification of 16 No. Habitation and 105 Nos House hold under PVTG MOTA 2 Scheme under Fatehgarh D.C. Under ONM Divison Guna