Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited has floated a e tender for NIT for Rate Contract for Survey Design SupplyexceptSPV Module ErectionTestingCommissioning and Comprehensive Operationand Maintenance for 5YGridConnected RooftopSola Photovoltaic PowerProjects onvarious Govt buildings in Western Region WR in India. The project location is REIL, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The reference number is REIL/RE/2024-25/26 and it is closing on 11-Mar-2025. Find more about this online tender from below to Submit your bid.
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Tender Amount
NIT for Rate Contract for Survey Design SupplyexceptSPV Module ErectionTestingCommissioning and Comprehensive Operationand Maintenance for 5YGridConnected RooftopSola Photovoltaic PowerProjects onvarious Govt buildings in Western Region WR in India